Friday, March 7, 2008

when plans don't fall through

today hasn't been exactly a great day. i know it's pretty early to say so considering it's only 8:45am right now, but i had to wake up really early to cancel my trip that i had planned for so long. i was supposed to fly to south korea on saturday and meet up with a japanese friend during my stopover in japan, but plans didn't fall through. it wasn't exactly the brightest of plans because i was leaving for spring break a whole week early and that's a lot of classes i'd be missing, but i needed a break. i had already worked out with most of my professors to turn in all my assignments at least a week early, except for one professor who wasn't happy with my departure. anyway, i am now really ahead in all my classes, and i think some good things will come out from not taking this trip.

i am at that point right now where i need to find satisfaction in what i do, as in, i need to believe that i will not be working in an office after i graduate, that i'll find something more meaningful and useful that i can do with my life. so i am trying anything and everything to reach that goal. when i left to go study abroad in new zealand back in spring of 2007, i had made a promise to myself that i would do everything completely from how i do it when i'm at mudd (ie. spontaneity vs. structured), and i just loved how things turned out for me then. so i want to go back to that promise and make the most of the rest of my college experience. it's a bummer that i couldn't be adventurous and go on this trip, but a lot was at stake. i'll just leave the explanation at that.

maybe my day will become fantastic by the time it ends.

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