Tuesday, May 20, 2008

there has to be something else after this

this past semester has been a really great semester. it made me remember that my decision to switch was a really good one. i took six classes totaling 18 units (science/math education, intermediate video, silent film, handmade film, feminist concepts and strategies, and history of photography), and it was, by far, my best semester ever. it really makes a huge difference when you are doing what you love, and i don't regret that it took me until my senior year of college to realize this. i am grateful that i had that epiphany because i can see myself being really miserable later on in life had i continued on with my original path.

i have two classes left to take to complete my new major, so i'll be back in the fall to finish them. it's weird that i won't be taking any classes on the hmc campus, but i still don't associate myself with any of the other 5c. on one hand, i just really want to graduate already and jump start that next stage in life, and then on the other hand, i think i'll really miss this place.

graduation was last sunday, and i got to walk with my friends. at first, i hesitated to do so because i just felt weird not actually being finished, but my professors and friends convinced me otherwise. i'm really glad i did that and got to celebrate with the friends with whom i entered college. the end was just weird, though, because it really hasn't hit me that i won't be seeing most of these people again for a while. people were running left and right attending to their families (mine included) so it was difficult to find everyone to say the goodbyes. i can't believe four years have passed already. after my sophomore year, time decided that it'll just accelerate tenfolds and leave me in the dust.

i would upload some pictures from graduation day, but i don't have my card reader. i'm staying at my parents' friend's home while waiting for my car to get fixed so i can head back to texas for the summer.

i think it'll definitely hit me once i get out of this state.


Anonymous said...

Hiya Trang! I stumbled across your blog via Google.

Very interesting stuff here. You write well-thought posts, and seem like you're having fun as a 'mudder'

If I may ask a crazy question - did you ever live in Union City, CA or with a brother in San Francisco, CA?? I had a pen-pal of sorts from out that way years back and I wondering if you and her were one in the same.

If not, you're still a great person, from what I can tell of your postings. Blessings in all your endeavors and wisdom in what to do after school!

~Ben E.

trang said...

Hi Ben,

Thank you for your very nice comment, but I'm afraid I'm not that Trang you were looking for. I was in San Francisco with my brother about a month ago, though. :)

Good luck finding your friend. Trang is a very common Vietnamese name, unfortunately...