Friday, September 19, 2008

new lapstop, courtesy of hmc

i am writing this post from my brand-new tablet pc. well, it's technically not mine, but it is for the next semester! thanks to an IBM matching gift program, barry olsan, and joseph vaughan and his team, harvey mudd college was able to receive eleven lenovo thinkpad tablet pcs to rent out for the semester. in exchange for the laptops, we have to agree to help the CIS department by providing feedback as to what works for future students, if they decide to take this out of the pilot program.

the laptop runs on vista, and i get really, really confused. i could manage my way around windows xp okay, but! i'm a mac user, so this is going to be somewhat of a transition for me. i was surprised that my application even got approved. joseph wants to know our goals and intentions with using these laptops, and my statement was that the tablet would be very useful for my videos because i can actually draw things in my videos. i have a wacom tablet but i hardly ever used it because the sensors are very poor. so i am definitely very excited about this tablet pc!

seriously, though, since the day i arrived at mudd, i've felt that this institution really spoils its students. or maybe it's because mudd places a lot of trust in its students. i don't know where else would a student be allowed to "rent" out a laptop, do whatever with it, and doesn't have to sign tons and tons of liability paperwork (all i had to do was give the CIS department my name). i'm not complaining because it really makes me appreciate mudd that much more.

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